Masters Co COVID-19 Action Plan

Masters Co is Still Open!

COVID-19 Safety Policy – Working together to keep safe!

Dear MWC Clients

During this time of unprecedented uncertainty, all of us here at Masters Co are concerned about the safety and well-being of our families, colleagues, customers, partners, and many friends.

Our hearts are with those who have been affected personally by the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) as well as the many communities around the world that are facing extreme measures in the attempt to slow its spread.

For 22 years, we have been honoured by the trust you place in us. In today’s challenging environment, we want to provide you more information on how we are working together to keep safe!

Company Assurance for our Clients

MWC have put the following measures in place:

  1. If any of our staff develops any of the following symptoms, they will not attend work until cleared by a medical practitioner:
  • sore throat
  • fever/chills
  • dry cough
  1. Safe distancing of 1.5m is practiced by all. This includes interaction with customers. Our abseiling teams are instructed to use lifts separately and to allow residents to have preference to them.
  2. Soap and water are carried in all vehicles and it is mandatory that our technicians wash their hands before and after every job.
  3. We cover our mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve and are mindful of others around us when coughing or sneezing.
  4. We avoid physical contact and interaction, including handshaking as the virus can be spread from close interaction between people.
  5. We avoid touching our eyes/nose/mouth.
  6. All staff are under strict instructions to avoid attending large gatherings until the threat is over.
  7. All employees will wear approved masks for inside work.

We thank you for your continued patronage through these challenging times and are looking forward to serving you in the near future.

We’re all in this together and thank you all for your cooperation in helping us protect our clients and our staff.

​Please note these are guidelines and are by no means the absolute solution. However, they will be of assistance and help reduce the spread of the virus within the work environment and the community. For further information and current updates go to


Masters Co

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