Other Services

Window Track Cleaning

A flushing and extracting machine is used to thoroughly clean out those fiddly narrow tracks.  Absolutely essential in vacate cleans or for discerning home owners.


Flyscreen Cleaning

We have found that high pressure washing a flyscreen is the most effective way of cleaning the dust and oily residues from them.


Solar Panel Cleaning

Increase the efficiency of power generation of solar panels, whether they be Hot Water Systems or power generation units.  Solar panels have been found to have 50% or more reduction in power supply, simply because they are dirty.


 Free-call 1800 777 212
for a no-obligation free quote


Our Pricing Policy

We are not the cheapest!  If looking for a cheap job, try the community newspapers, as that is where the non-insured and the unregistered workers advertise.  You will get a “Cheap” job there.  MWC are fully insured, police cleared, registered and pay tax.

We do, however, look after regular clients with discounts and lower frequency of price rises and even those are at a lower rate.  We give a cash discount simply because, nowadays, people expect it.  Other than that, we price to get the job done right!

Members of AWCA & AWCF


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